What I'm humming to at the moment.⬆
I've just seen Los Abrazos Rotos (broken embraces). Pedro Almodovar's darkest in years (ever?) with a hypnotically photogenic Penelope Cruz and an intriguing story. Not Alomodovar's best movie, but the suggestive film noir style, the storyline and picture perfect settings are totally good enough to make this a favorite of the moment. This fantastic song by Cat power appears in the movie as well. And the rest of the soundtrack is just incredible.
im not sure if i loved this movie but i really enjoyed it.
I absolutely love the way you post xoxo
Jag gillade filmen!
Hey there. I really enjoyed your post. I hope you've had a fantastic weekend. Take care. Have a wonderful week ahead. Cheers!
I'm addicted to you blog form this moment on! I'm adding you to my blog list!!
If you don't mind me asking what is it that you for a profession? Your travels are so alluringx
will have to add these to my list! there was a point when i wanted to see all of the films by the reputable directors like del toro, cuaron and inarritu. but of course, life gets busy. wish i had more time for films!
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